Tel : +33 6 11 70 92 81

Chambre d'hôtes Aux Bories de Marquay près de Sarlat

La Bouyerie - 24620 MARQUAY
GPS : 44.920572 (44°55'14" N) / 1.150697 (1°9'3" E)

Our GPS coordinates: 44 ° 55'14.4 "N 1 ° 09'02.6" E

On Google Maps and Waze, indicate "aux bories de Marquay"

From Sarlat, take direction Périgueux / Les Eyzies (D47). On the D47, turn right towards Marquay. Then follow the green signs "Aux Bories de Marquay" in a place called La Bouyerie. Do not go to the village, the guest house is 3 km before the center.

From Les Eyzies, follow direction Sarlat (D47). Drive about 17km (go beyond the sign "Château Puymartin", do not go up to the castle. Some navigation software wants to take you through a dirt road that cannot be driven over), Turn to your left (crossing in a bend on the D47) , direction MARQUAY. Then follow the green signs "Aux Bories de Marquay" in a place called La Bouyerie. Do not go to the village, the guest house is 3 km before the center.

Trains: closest to Sarlat Station (15 mins)

Plane :

Brive Dordogne Valley Airport is 50 minutes away.
Bergerac Airport is 1 hour 15 minutes away. Li
The international airports of Toulouse-Blagnac and Bordeaux-Mérignac are reachable in 2h15 minutes.