Tel : +33 6 61 65 21 25

Hotel particulier de Digoine

5, quai Madier de Montjau - 07700 BOURG SAINT-ANDÉOL
GPS : 44.369430 (44°22'10" N) / 4.647024 (4°38'49" E)

Digoine is located over the Rhone river west bank at 50m far from the city hall. Access to Bourg Saint Andéol is easy :
- By car from Lyon : drive on A7 highway till "Montelimar South" exit (18kms) then direction of Viviers. At the Bourg Saint Andéol entrance roundabout take direction of Pont Saint Esprit and enter the city.
- By car from Orange : drive on A7 highway till "Bollène" exit (15kms) then Pierrelatte and turn right after crossing the bridge at Bourg Saint Andéol.